I waited and waited, was gone most of the morning – where much of the “most” was dedicated to waiting for G – and feared to be finding a sheet of paper in the mailbox, telling me to go to the post office on Saturday morning. Even though I’d changed the batteries of the doorbell, I still double checked the mailbox later in the afternoon, just in case I hadn’t heard them ring.
Guess what, somebody had left the package inside! :-)
I felt like a small child unpacking the box. I’d already received the number and contract separately so I was ready to start. I even read the manual, well the online one, cause the included didn’t tell me much and I’m not really patient when it comes to reading instructions so I preferred to look up the German extended version instead of struggling with a condensed French one.
Before really starting, I had to face two major problems: a/where goes the sim-card and b/where is the security code? Problem a was solved quickly thanks to the manual, but problem b required a call to the helpline. In this case it was a standard security code which I have to change myself. Having had only swiss-contracts until now, I hadn’t expected this. Well and once again, the people at this helpline were very helpful and until now I’ve never even once regretted changing from free to orange.
Back to the iPhone, registration of the phone itself and activation of the number (via a vocal server) went smoothly and not only my contacts and calendar entries were transferred in a breeze, all my mail account settings were transferred as well, I only had to add the passwords. For the curious reader, I work with 3 (private) mail accounts regularly and have 5 constantly set up. I still use 2 POP3 accounts and am gradually switching all traffic to the IMAP accounts.
Setting up WLAN access was that easy, that I’m still flabbergasted. Downloaded a twitterapp (going with twitterfon for the moment) and an app for facebook. Still have to figure out the weather app, check if there’s something for goodreads and then remember what dreams_ wrote about that ebook page ;)
This was way easier than all mobile phones I had before and I’m slowly turning into an Apple addict, at least when gadgets are concerned *g